huH Music CD Information

Note: if you are a seller wanting to list a huH CD, be sure to check out the Notes To Sellers & The CD list, so you can be aware of the issues you face when listing your copy, as well as learn how to tell them apart.

most of you are here because you have in your possession a CD with not much information available about it. or perhaps, the information you've found doesn't match the CD you have.

there is no UPC barcode on the item, and it seems like the tracklists you come across are inaccurate at best.

rest assured, you haven't gone crazy. the original publishers of these CDs were just short-sighted on how easy to confuse they would become, given that every release's cover bears only the word "huH" on it.

so hopefully this website will help you to learn more about the CD which you own, and help you to see what position it holds in the set, and maybe even help you find the one you are looking for.